The Mist Trail – with Mulan Soundtrack

I know mammas can be proud. And sometimes maybe we are proud when it’s not really that impressive. But this, I feel like its warranted!

We did the Mist Trail when we were in Yosemite and it was up there in my favourite hikes of all time.

It was almost 15kms and 819 Meters of elevation.

They didn’t enjoy the coolness (ok straight up COLDNESS) of the mist in the waterfall. It took 20 minutes or so to warm up and dry off a bit.

Most people (a good 80% I would guess) turn around after the mist. After they see the waterfall, the “main event” but we pressed on.

We saw a few kids that went up to the first falls, but we didn’t see any kids after.

Now I am not a big fan of people using speakers to listen to music in the woods, at the beach, or really anywhere outside. Personally just not my jam.

However, the last 100meters of elevation on this hike, I played Mulan’s “I’ll make a man out of you” as an anthem for Finn to hike to. His little legs were tired and I needed to not stop, or I was afraid I wouldn’t get started again! ay.

It gave him purpose and focus, and Addy was distracted by singing along. All and all it was a great compromise and certainly worked for us! We made it to the top, hung hammocks next to the running river, soaked our feet for a moment, had lunch and started the downhill on the other side.

Goodness, I don’t know how they kept the pace that they did, but since there were steep drop offs and switchbacks, I held Finn’s hand the whole way down and had to keep pace. We were passing people by the dozens and no anthem was needed! The uphill was harder on the brain but the downhill was harder on my body!

It’s crazy how one can be so much more than the other in a matter of hours (or sometimes in a matter of minutes.

I also personally find anthems helpful in my own life. Goodness knows I can’t run more than thirty seconds without the right music.