I have been (slowly… and painstakingly) going through the tens of thousands of photos I have recording our adventures over the last few years and it makes me so thankful for the adventures we have had and excited for the adventures that are coming next.

Want to know how we convince our kids to hike mountains, jump in ocean caves and explore the world in a thousand ways?

1. Start the Way you want it to go.

This was actually advice from our favourite (albeit apparently a little controversial) baby book called Baby wise.
The general premise is this. If you want your baby to be on a schedule, stick to a schedule. If you want your baby to be able to fall asleep on their own, they’ll need to learn to fall asleep on their own…and if you want your kids to love the outdoors and adventure, you’ll need to take them outside and on adventures? Make sense? 
If you didn’t start when they are little, its not too late. but keep this in mind; 

2. It’s not always easy. (What??? Something to do with kids + its not easy? I know, earth shattering info here!)

Have He had potty accidents, meltdowns and whiney frozen fingercicle kids? Oh heck to the yes… but really not that often. But I just say it because on many occasions it was probably easier to find a sitter and get outside on our own but we don’t normally opt for it, because we’ve made adventuring as a family a priority, so we need to put in the work. If you at least go in with the understanding that it won’t always be Pinterest Perfect, there is no where to go but up! 

3. Make a destination “reward”

Hey, I do this for me too. After my first mountain summit, we got blizzards. But our traditions with the kids include KD on the rocks, or spending time hammock-ing or swimming somewhere on the line. I don’t know how you feel about bribes, but they definitely work sometimes. and we have been known to throw down some ice cream, and surprised the kids with three days at Legoland after seven days of hiking in Yosemite. 

4. Pack snacks + Water. Correction: Pack Lots of snacks + Water.

Now we have some friends whose kids seem to stop every ten feet for trail snacks, which is a little much for us, but having snacks + water to appease the “mommmmyyy I’m hunggggry” is always a good thing to at least be prepared for. 

5. Be patient.

Ok yes, every parent wishes forays / dreams of having more of this. But just remember, their little legs need to lake 2-3 steps for your every stride.

6. Have realistic expectations.

As in, if a hike suggests four hours round trip. We pack and prepare for it to take twice as long and are happy with anything less. One way we keep the kids interested is,

7. Give them time and space to explore on their own.

Stopping to touch a fern, collecting cool looking leaves, throwing rocks in the river… It makes it more exciting for the kids than just straight walking and truly helps all of us see nature in an amazing way.

8. Believe they can. Yes, yes, Insert cheesy motivational poster here…

But its true… You’ve been amazed by your children’s never ending energy before right? Like HOW do they have this much energy???
I’ve seen parents completely shocked at what their kids are capable of (+ I’ve been amazed at our kids a time or two hundred before.) Encourage them that they can do amazing things!

9. Be prepared. We’ve learned that these few things can make a big difference.

– poop emergency pack (it’s exactly what it sounds like, a plastic bag spare underwear/shorts for little littles, a ziplock bag with tissues/toilet paper and another with some wipes) 

– band aids (they can be like magic, even when not necessarily “needed”) 

– snacks + Water

– appropriate footwear / clothing.

10. Be ready.

Yah, I know, it sounds like the same thing as “be prepared” but what I mean is, have your pack ready, so if it turns into a beauty of a day or you decide you want to get after it, it doesn’t take you an hour to get out the door. Not gonna lie, Alex totally owns this responsibility and rocks it.

These things have made adventures as a family not just feasible, but seriously enjoyable. I would LOVE to hear any tips you have on the subject so please comment below!